Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We've had some crazy weather. Over the weekend, the mercury pushed triple digits each day. Then today I awoke to rain. As I got ready for work, a thunderhead rolled in and nature put on a display. I have an irrational fear of electricity in general and lightning, specifically. It's probably because I have heard way to many urban legends about it. I took the world's fastest shower because I feared a bolt might hit a pipe and fry me as I stood in the tub.

At work on the 13th floor, I had a bird's eye view as we rode out the storm. I wish I had the presence of mind to bring the camera along.

After work, the heavy rain had moved on and it left me with my first experience with the Portland air post-precipitation. Amazingly fresh! I think it's the scent they knock off to put inside "rain" themed air freshener.

Also I don't know who really reads this blog but I'd be especially interested to know what the women in the audience think of this.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Clearly you are afraid of electricity because it is what powers robots. It is a very natural fear.

On a more pleasant note, Oregon rain is THE BEST.